Hangzhou International Power and Electrical Technology Equipment & Smart Grid Exhibition 2024
展会概况|Exhibition Background
中国作为世界上最大的能源生产国和能源消费国,其电力市场交易十分活跃。数据显示;2022年全国各 电力交易中心累计组织完成市场交易电量52543.4亿千瓦时,同比增长39%,占全社会用电量比重为60.8%, 同比提高15.4个百分点。在“双碳”趋势下绿色低碳发展赛道持续蓄力加码,能源电力行业的绿色化、数字 化双转型持续加速推进,新型电力系统建设也进入提速的关键时期,为构建清洁低碳安全高效的能源体系, 实施可再生能源替代行动,深化电力体制改革,构建以新能源为主体的新型电力系统,促进电力经济绿色发 展和生态文明建设,聚焦“双碳”目标。在上级主管单位的指导下,高登会展与相关行业机构共同定于2024 年08月23日-25日在杭州大会展中心召开“2024杭州国际电力电工暨智能电网展览会”。展会以“电力创新 ,驱动未来”为主题,通过展览展示、论坛会议、新品发布会、商贸对接等形式,全面展示行业创新技术, 推动电力行业高质量发展。该展会将全面汇聚优势资源、形成创新合力、引领行业风向,合力打造我国新型 储能领域技术交流、产品展示、资源整合和协同创新的重要合作平台,积极推动生态圈建设,赋力行业共谋 新路径,永续创新源动力。
As the world's largest producer and consumer of energy, China's electricity market is highly active. Data indicates that in 2022, all the power exchange centers nationwide have aggregately contributed to an electricity trading volume of 52,543.4 billion kilowatt-hours, an increase of 39% year-on-year, accounting for 60.8% of the total electricity consumption in that year, up 15.4 percentage points year-on-year. Under the "dual carbon" trend, as the development of green and low-carbon continues to gain momentum, and the dual green and digital transformation of the energy and power industry continues to accelerate, the new power system has also entered a critical stage for construction. In order to build an energy system that is clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient, implement actions for the substitution of renewable energy, deepen power system reform, establish a new power system with new energy as the core, and promote green development of the power economy and ecological civilization, achieve the "dual carbon" goals, Hangzhou International Power and Electrical Technology Equip-ment & Smart Grid Exhibition 2024 will be held on August 23-25, 2024 at Hangzhou Grand Convention and Exhibition Center-China. Under the guidance of the competent organizations, jointly organized by. Golden Conference and Exhibition Group and other relevant industry organizations, the show takes " Power Innovation, Driving the Future" as its theme. Combined with exhibition displays, forum and conferences, new product launches, business matchmaking, the show aims to push forward the high-quality development of the power industry. Furthermore, the show will focus on bringing together advantageous resources, fostering innovation collaboration, leading industry trends. Moreover, the show devotes to providing a significant platform for technical exchange, product display, resource integration, and collaborative innovation in the new energy storage field in China, so as to actively promotes the construction of an ecosystem, empowers the industry to explore new paths collectively, and sustains innovation as the driving force.
同期活动|Concurrent Activities
展会同期除举办国际电力与数字能源发展论坛主论坛外,还将举办数十场、电站开发与运维、电站并网 与调度、储能与辅助服务市场的专题论坛与峰会,论坛期间将邀请众多国内外专家学者、电力公司负责人、 能源从业者、企业代表等围绕电力数字化转型、新一代电力物联网操作、新型储能关键技术、数字能源投融 资等话题展开探讨。
During the exhibition, in addition to hosting the main forum of the International Power and Digital Energy Development Forum, dozens of specialized forums and summits on topics such as power plant development and operation, power plant grid connection and dispatch, energy storage, and auxiliary service markets will also be organized. Domestic and foreign experts, scholars, leaders of power companies, energy professionals, and business representatives will gather to discuss topics related to the digital transformation of power, the next generation of power Internet of Things operations, key technologies in new energy storage, digital energy investment and financing
展出大类|Major Exhibits
1、电力技术与设备 发电设备与技术、变电及输配电、电力计量、承装、修、试设备与技术及其他电力配套等;
2、智慧电网与新能源科技创新 电力物联网、通信与信息设备技术、新能源及充电桩技术设备、储能技术及电力电子等。
• Power Technology and Equipment: power generation equipment and technology, substation and transmission/distribution, power metering, installation, maintenance, testing equipment and technology, and other power supporting facilities, etc.
• Smart Grid and New Energy Technology Innovation: Power Internet of Things, communication and information equipment technology, new energy and charging station technology and equipment, energy storage technology and power electronics, etc. Note: A special exhibition area for the integration of power in the Yangtze River Delta is set up during the exhibition.
目标观众|Target Audience
重点邀请国内外电力设备与技术供应商、电力能源相关单位、大型用电耗能单位、节能减排相关机构、 设计院科研院所等电力能源全产业链的专业人士与企业参展参会。
Domestic and foreign companies across the entire power and energy industry chain, including power equipment and technology supply companies, power-related entities, large energy-consuming units, energy-saving and emission reduction organizations, as well as design institutes and research institutions.
请立即预定“PESE 2024”展位,越早预留位置越佳,争取最大曝光率,领先竞争对手,开拓无限商机。
Please reserve the booth of " PESE 2024" immediately. The sooner you reserve, the better your reserved position. Strive for maximum exposure, lead competitors, and open up unlimited business opportunities.
如欲预订“PESE 2024”采购交易会展位,或了解更多信息,请发电子邮件至info@goldenexpo.com.cn 。
To reserve the booth of “SCBE 2024” or learn more information, please contact:
电话/ Tel : (86-21) 6439-6190
E-mail: info@goldenexpo.com.cn